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Text File | 1994-09-24 | 9.4 KB | 263 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- =========
- Contents:
- =========
- * What is Chat?
- * Shareware Fees/Information:
- * Where can I get the latest version:
- * Restrictions/Requirements/Fine Print/Etc.
- * What is needed to run Chat?
- * How do I connect to Chat?
- * User Command Summary:
- * Administrator Command Summary:
- * Customizing Chat:
- * About the Author:
- * Acknowlegments:
- Also, enclosed files:
- * Sample Session - Sample Login and Use of the Chat Room
- * Chat Release Information - Information about each version
- * Chat FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- =============
- What is Chat?
- =============
- Chat is a application that lets a Macintosh with MacTCP serve
- as a simple internet chat room. Once Chat is running on your mac, multiple
- people can Telnet to your mac and have online discussions.
- The user portion of Chat has no macintosh user interface, the only way to use
- it is by telneting to your mac. However, the adminstrator can perform most of
- the tasks necessary through the macintosh interface.
- Chat can support as many connections as it has memory for - and MacTCP will
- allow.
- ===========================
- Shareware Fees/Information:
- ===========================
- Chat is what is Shareware ($10 per machine for up to 5 machines). This only
- applies to the machine that chat is actually running on, you can have as many
- connections as you want. (The more the better!) If you are a student or
- something, and legitimately cannot afford to send me the shareware fee, send me
- a Postcard from your home/college/current town instead.
- The site license, if you want to run chat on multiple machines is $50.
- If you work for a software company, and cannot/do not want to pay the shareware
- fee, I would accept a sample copy of a product that you produce.
- I would appreciate at the very least an email message from anyone who uses chat,
- or has done anything interesting with the source.
- See "About the Author" for Email Address and Postal Address.
- ===================================
- Where can I get the latest version:
- ===================================
- Chat can be ftp'd from most of the major archive sites, include any Info-Mac
- mirror. You can also always get the latest version from pluto.cc.umr.edu
- in the /pub/chat directory. The source to Chat is available in that directory
- as well.
- For World Wide Web users, the chat home page is:
- http://pluto.cc.umr.edu/chat.html
- =========================================
- Restrictions/Requirements/Fine Print/Etc.
- =========================================
- The Chat application may be uploaded to any online service, provided that the
- entire archive is uploaded and no changes are made to it. The source to Chat
- may not be uploaded to any other FTP site or to any online service without
- contacting me first, currently the only place you can get the source is from
- my ftp site (pluto.cc.umr.edu).
- If you want to include chat on any mass distribution medium, such as a CD-Rom,
- or want to include it with any other applications distributed with a book for
- example; contact me first, I will make sure that you have the latest version.
- In addition, I would appreciated, though I do not require, a sample copy of the
- CD/book/etc.
- If you want to redistribute the source to chat with Changes or as a new program,
- please contact me via email first. I would like to take a look at the application.
- Also, any redistributed application or source must aknowledge both me, and Peter
- Lewis in the source, and the About Box.
- ===========================
- What is needed to run Chat?
- ===========================
- You must have MacTCP 1.1 or newer to run Chat.
- Currently, as of version 2.1, Chat requires System 7. If there is interest in
- maintaining support for System 6, I will put that support in. Email me if
- you want this done.
- =========================
- How do I connect to Chat?
- =========================
- To connect to the chat room, you need a program which supports telnet connections.
- Programs which support telnet connections:
- Mac:
- NCSA Telnet - Open Connection in File Menu
- MUDDweller - New, TCP/IP Address in Configure Menu, Open Connection
- tn3270 -
- Unix:
- Telnet - 'telnet address' or 'telnet address port'
- VMS:
- Telnet - 'telnet address' or 'telnet address /port=port'
- Once you are connected, simply fill in the requested information on screen.
- After the initial login screen, anything you type will be sent to the screen. If
- you type a line that begins with "/" or "\", it will be treated as a user or
- administrator command, respectively.
- Both user commands and administrator commands are documented next.
- =====================
- User Command Summary:
- =====================
- The long form of the command name is listed here, see /HELP in the Chat room
- for information on the abbreviated/short forms.
- Command: Syntax: Info:
- =================================================================================
- /HELP /HELP Displays user command help
- /anything that's not a valid command
- /ME /ME Displays information about yourself
- /QUIT /QUIT Exits the chat room.
- /LIST /LIST Lists users on current channel
- /LISTALL /LISTALL Lists users on all channels
- /DO /DO text Sends text as an action (without the colon).
- /YELL /YELL text Sends text to all channels.
- /PAGE /PAGE user Pages 'user' to current channel.
- /CHANNEL /CHANNEL Lists available channels.
- /CHANNEL channel Changes to channel 'channel'.
- /WHISPER /WHISPER user text Sends 'text' to user 'user' only.
- /SET /SET var value Sets the value of a variable
- /SET Lists available user variables.
- /SET NAME name Changes your name to 'name'.
- /SET SUBJECT text Changes the subject of the current channel.
- /SET ECHO On/Off Sets whether you see your own messages.
- /RECENT /RECENT Lists recent users of the chat room.
- /ROLL /ROLL #d% Rolls #, % sided dice.
- /ROLL Rolls one twenty sided die.
- ==============================
- Administrator Command Summary:
- ==============================
- In all the following commands, 'pw' is the adminstrators password. The chat room
- will display admin command help if the password is incorrect or missing.
- Command: Syntax: Info:
- =================================================================================
- \HELP \HELP Displays administrative command help
- \anything that's not a valid command
- \KILL \KILL pw user Kicks a user out of the chat room.
- \QUITNOW \QUITNOW pw Quits the chat room application.
- \RESTART \RESTART pw Kicks everyone off chat room, and restarts.
- \HIDE \HIDE pw Sets yourself to not show in /LIST and /LISTALL
- \UNHIDE \UNHIDE pw Sets yourself to show in /LIST and /LISTALL
- \LISTALL \LISTALL pw Lists all users, include hidden ones.
- \SHOW \SHOW pw Displays current administrator variable settings
- \INFO \INFO pw Displays information on chat room status
- \SET \SET pw var value Sets the value of an administrator variable.
- \SET pw Lists administrative variables.
- \SET pw LOGINS On/Off Allow user logins
- \SET pw YELLS On/Off Allow /YELL command
- \SET pw WHISPERS On/Off Allow /WHISPER command
- \SET pw PASSWORDS On/Off Require password at login
- \SET pw BEEP On/Off Beep on Login
- \SET pw PROMPT On/Off Prompt for channel at login
- \SET pw SUBJECT text Set subject of current channel
- \SET pw USERSUB On/Off Allow users to change subjects
- =====================
- Customizing Chat:
- =====================
- Almost all of the strings and settings for chat are stored in the resource fork.
- The strings can be edited to suit your particular environment, however, do not
- add or remove any strings, as the program will not be able to find them. The
- only exception to this are the Chat Log Filenames, Chat Channels, Chat
- Channel Subjects, User Passwords, and Admin Passwords string resources, you
- can add to these to add more channels, etc. Remember to add to all three channel
- string resources at the same time (Log File, Channel Name, and Subject).
- The 'CPrf' resource holds the default preferences for the Chat Room.
- =================
- About the Author:
- =================
- I am a Computer Science major at the University of Missouri - Rolla,
- originally from Connecticut. I ran across chat while looking at TCP/IP
- applications for the Mac, and decided to customize it for my own purposes.
- It has evolved greatly since then, and is used by people all across the world.
- I can be reached via email on the internet at "nneul@umr.edu".
- My postal address:
- Nathan Neulinger
- 53 Sleepy Hollow Lane
- Stamford, CT 06907-1734
- ===============
- Acknowlegments:
- ===============
- Thanks to Peter Lewis (peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au) for the original (1.1)
- version of Chat, and for much help in getting Chat to where it is today.
- Thanks to Erich (?) for the new and improved die rolling routines. For those
- who are interested, take a look at his re-release of chat, called NetRPG, for
- playing Role Playing Games over the internet.
- Thanks to Jon Stevens (root@dolphin.csudh.edu) for extensive testing, and
- comments on how to improve chat.
- Thanks to everyone who has written me about Chat with comments, suggestions, and
- anything else for that matter. It is your suggestions and wishes that have
- given me the directions for how to improve chat. Keep 'em coming.